- Email configuration
- Send email when: It is possible send the email when exists "errors" or "errors and warnings" or always.
- Type of information: "Summary" just indicates if the backup was created successfully or had warnings/errors. "Detailed" includes the full log.
- Attach the log information: The log file can be attached in the following formats PDF, HTML, XLS, XLSX, CSV, TEXT (TXT), RTF and IMAGE (JPEG)
- To email addresses: The email's that will receive the log email. If are more than one, just separate them by a comma ","
- Email service: For a better usability you can select GMAIL, OUTLOOK (LIVE/HOTMAIL) and automatically some fields will be filled with the default information. Also it's possible to set your custom information
- From email address: The email address that sends the log file
- Outgoing SMTP server: The server that will send the emails
- Port: The port used by the SMTP server
- Use authentication: Indicates if the SMTP server requires authentication
- Use SSL to connect: Indicates if SSL it's needed
- User name / email: The user to connect to the SMTP server
- Password: User password
- Remove old backups configuration
- Remove backups older than: Indicates the files that will be deleted after specific number of days
- Type of backups to remove: The backups that meets the criteria of where they are stored
- Schedule configuration.
- Schedule daily: Indicates which days and time of the day the backup task will be executed
- Schedule iterative: Create the backup every 'x' minutes
- Options
- After the backup is made option to execute the store procedures "sp_delete_backuphistory" MSDN and "sp_delete_database_backuphistory" MSDN
- Test the email configuration. Helps to validate the email parameters
Next: Summary